
权沛伦 人生如戏的走一遭,演过了却不懂,戏中戏,人外人,玉老板我们不日再会。感谢何导儿@何澍培 孜孜不倦的教诲!感谢《恨君不似江楼月》组里每一位的付出,期待!![[鲜花] [鲜花]](//
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“人生就是旅程 • 创造自己道路”
Camera by @lorry08photography
Directed and edited by Justin
Thanks bro? @aapestore @beatsbydre
Song credit : Sing for the moment by Em ...展开全文c
Camera by @lorry08photography
Directed and edited by Justin
Thanks bro? @aapestore @beatsbydre
Song credit : Sing for the moment by Em ...展开全文c

说我快一个月没发微博了,失踪人口来冒个泡,冒完就走「刚才一不小心连冒了三个」~biubiubiu~![[奥特曼] [奥特曼]](//
![[奥特曼] [奥特曼]](//
分享 Animal Kingdom 的歌曲《Silence Summons You》KSilence Summons You (分享自@虾米音乐) KSilence Summons You
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